STRENGTHENING MEN . . . For the Journey!


Welcome 2018!

A new year typically begins with new year’s resolutions.  We often eat cabbage and black eyed peas on New Years Day for good luck and money.  We make resolutions to stop smoking, start exercising, etc.  The new year is a great time to look ahead.   It is also a great time to do a spiritual check up.  Below are five steps for an effective spritiual check up to help get your new year headed in the right direction.


    1. Pray and Listen.  Jesus often retreated to be by himself to pray for guidance and wisdom.  We can do the same.   The key is that it must be quiet enough for you to focus on Him.    Give Him your worries and ask for His leadership for you.   Make prayer a habit with your wife and family.  Give thanks before meals and try to eat meals together.
    2. Speak to your pastor. Frequent visits with your pastor are always beneficial.  I encourage you to speak to your pastor about how you feel God is calling you.  Your pastor can help if you are unsure of how you are being called.  I assure you of this – you are called.  You are a child of the risen Christ!
    3. Examine your life for sin and pray for His help to remove it.   New life can come forth once the dead has been removed.    This may include pornography, drugs and alcohol, etc.  These habits feed the flesh.  Replace them with new habits that feed your spirit.
    4. Be receptive. God may be trying to lead you in a new direction, a new ministry, teach a Snday school class, help with the youth, etc.  Be receptive to His invitation and use your talents and service  to build His kingdom.
    5. Keep connected. What often happens to new year’s resolutions?  They get tossed to the side before January is over.  This year I want you to focus on your spiritual health.  A critical component of this is finding the right church and engage in small groups at your church.  If your church does not have a men’s group, we can help you start one.   You, your family, and your pastor will all benefit.



Todd Shupe

Todd is a Member of Gulf South Men, President of and a Christian blogger at and